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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Frustration Doubled - Tripled

This is a time when I want to grab the Honorable Mayor Mack and shake him till his teeth rattle. How many more mistakes is this man going to make? Maybe he enjoys stepping in the crap; the IT flap is a perfect example. Let it go. Get serious. There are people here in Trenton who really, really want to help the city, but Tony you ignore them which makes me believe you don't give diddly about Trenton. And submitting your brother's name to become a coach, another bad move. Now, let me discuss council. I didn't witness the exchange between Councilmen Chester and Muschal. I've been told by someone whom I trust and respect that it was not as bad as reported; a few sharp words were exchanged. Maybe they were two tired and frustrated elected officials. As to the comments left about the article in the Trentonian - Mr. Chester is not a thug. Nor is he a criminal. He is a very well brought up young man with whom I frequently disagree. If anyone in the West Ward is not happy with him, don't vote for him. As to George being everywhere helping. Be grateful, Blogolanders. Citizens' concerns should REALLY behandled by the mayor's office,but starting with Doug Palmer, these concerns were foisted off the Office of Citizens' Concerns with so-so results. Trentonians started going to their councilpeople who picked up the slack. I've heard complaints that trying reach a current councilperson is difficult so off to see George who gets on the stick and accomplishes something. So other councilpeople, if you don't want George in your ward, move quickly.


Christine Ott said...

It's baffling to me that anyone is pissy about George helping people in other wards. Even though, I suppose, council members (the legislative arm of the government) aren't technically responsible for helping citizens directly, the reality has become something quite different, and I think many people run for office because they do want to help their neighbors...So, anyway. George is council pres, and I think that role gives him a bit of leeway to help others outside his ward. By the way, he heard about my garage getting shot, and how it was initially handled by the police, and he called me, and asked another team of officers to take a peek. I'm grateful for that, regardless of where he lives!

Mister Clean said...

I try to be careful when injecting race into things like this, but I think George would be perceived differently, were he NOT a gruff white man who shoots straight from the hip.

If he were an affable, aw-shucks black man who helped out in different Wards (where it is likely perceived that he's 'showing up' other Councilthings - all but one of whom are black), dared to not sing the company song, etc., I think he would be much more popular.

Screw popular, George. Keep doing what you're doing.

Anonymous said...

email me at mommicat04 aol let me know where to sign the recall pet