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Thursday, June 21, 2012

La Corvee

Corvee was one of the causes of the French Revolution; essentially, it was a non-monetary tax that involved upaid labor.  French subjects, usually male and poor, were required to provide a few weeks of unpaid labor to the crown.  Repairing roads, dredging canals, fixing piers, stuff like that.  By the way, its use probably goes back about 4,000 years.  I bring this up because I think it may be time to reintroduce this program.  For the last few months, I've been hearing about finding things for our kids to do during the summer, finding things that will keep them off the streets, finding things that will keep them out of trouble.  Hearing these statements sets my teeth on edge because (1) I feel it is the parents responsibility to keep their kids interested and amused (2) I'm tired of caring for other peoples' children, and (3)  we do these kids no favors by letting them think someone else must keep them happy.  Good forbid they find constructive ways to pass their time!!  Which brings me to the corvee.  Trenton is broke and cannot provide many services it once did (our Honorable Mayor to the contrary, serivces have slipped badly).  Hence the corvee.  Lest these kids be bored, we give them a broom, a shovel, a rake, whatever, and put them to work.  If nothing else, they will gain value work experience such as arriving at a work site on time.  They might even learn a skill.  They would also give back to the community - maybe stop this gimme, gimme, gimme philosophy.  Blogolanders, I know many among you will scream, "That's abusive, not fair, etc...."  OK, but since all these summer programs must be paid for (in money - like dollars) don't bitch next time your property taxes go up

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