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Saturday, July 13, 2013

Jumpin Jo-Jo

Jo-Jo Georgianni is back in the news.  He wants to go to Florida!  When he didn't get his way, he made terroristic threats to an officer of the court, a federal court at that, without punishment.  I don't why it happened, but that pisses me off.  If I had done it, my ass would be behind bars. 

Blogolanders, Jo-Jo tends to fake.  I know because my lungs are shot.  He shouldn't be going to Florida in the summer as the hot, humid air will do him no good.  Maybe the mountains.  Further, when he starts to hyperventilate, he makes things worse by breathing heavily.  There are breathing techniques to calm down which he should know. 

And someone of modest means should not own a condo in Florida; if he does, he should be renting the damn thing out.  Jo-Jo claims to need money. 

This guy is nothing but a bullshit artist and a not very good one either. 

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