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Friday, December 9, 2011

Punishment = Reward

All of the kids who were involved in the Mill Hill incident last Monday, except for the kid who actually threw the brick, has been suspended from school! (Not being a lawyer, I don't know if the concept of transferred intend applies here. It probably should.) Does anyone really believe that suspension will make an impression on these kids? News flash, Blogolanders, it won't. These kids are probably thrilled out of their sagging pants that they won't have to go to school. They have the perfect excuse for not attending. If these kids were so interested in an education, they would not have behaved this way to begin with. More postings will follow because everything about this incident pisses me off; it represents everything that so many Trentonians have been fighting against, trying to correct, showing faith in the future only to be told these kids are looking for love, respect, attention, a free pass out of school.


Anonymous said...

Ya know Pat that if they did anything more "aggressive" it would immediately be called racism and another shitstorm would have followed. The way people are today, it's a no win situation.

Anonymous said...

They should force these little animals to attend school on weekends as well as during the week. Keep them the H off our streets. The feral animals that roam Trenton are less of a threat to residents than these "kids".

And by the way, where the H is our loser Mayor on this? No comment? Will he announce yet ANOTHER usless program or expanditure to deal with this shiit? Time to get tough. We can't afford anything else. Keep up the excellent posts Pat!!