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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Children's Hour

Last evening at the special council meeting both council and the administration outdid themselves. Blogolanders, I can't remember when I was so embarrassed by a performance. First, the Honorable Mayor (who has yet to explain why he needs all those aides) behaved like a three year old; "I won't do it; I won't do it; I won't do it." He wasn't getting his way so he's not going to turn in a budget or sign off on a budget or whatever. If the Honorable Mayor has not actually lied to the voters, he certainly has misled us. As to council - ye gods!!! President McBride insulted two of her colleagues in public. She ignored Robert's Rules of Order and behaved with an utter lack of courtesy. Since her daughter is an aide to the Honorable Mayor, Ms. McBride should have recused herself anyway. Two other members of council made it very plain they have no idea what they're doing. Ms. Reynolds-Jackson hemmed and hawed and made no sense to me. As for Mr. Bethea - the man must stop singing the Song of the South. Each time he rambles on about being a poor, barefoot, ignorant farmboy from the south, he makes himself look ridiculous. Much seems to confuse him; like Ms. Reynolds-Jackson, if he's so confused, he should resign. The Honorable Mayor also complained about being disgusted with, I believe he called it, "political posturing." If that's the case, he should resign. If any of you out there in Blogoland agree with me, join me at city hall on Monday, April 2 8:30AM for OOCH - Occupy Our City Hall. This is very important, fellow Trentonians, because that crew running the show actually believes they have public support; they actually believe they are doing the right thing. Here's a chance to let them know they've screwed up and BIG TIME!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Only retirees, stay-at-home parents and the unemployed are expected, I presume.....Maybe some of the "Occupy" folks from the other end of State St can be coerced to show up. In other words, I gotta work.