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Thursday, August 2, 2012

Is Tony a Genius?

Blogolanders - Suddenly it hit me - the Honorable Mayor could be a freakin genius!  Now before you start screaming, read this.  There is a single mother here in Trenton with more than two children.  She gets public assistance but no child support from either father of her children.  She grew up on welfare; struggled in school; held a few deadend jobs.  She's been evicted.  She's had a her utilities shut off; she's had a car repossessed; she's had a house raided by the police because a boy friend was dealing.    She loves Tony because he can feel her pain; she feels his pain.  She voted for Tony in 2010 and will vote for him again in 2014.  The woman is not a figment of my imagination; she exists here in the South Ward.  She's a former client; I see her occasionally at the grocery store.  When you consider the demographics of Trenton, the Honorable Mayor has appeal.  Blogolanders, there are not enough voters here in Trenton who think differently.  If Tony runs for re-election, over half the voters in Trenton will be able to, "relate," to him. 

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