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Thursday, April 26, 2012


Good morning, Blogolanders.  Well, things have been, "improved," again!!  So, please bear with me while I learn this new, easier, and improved way to write blogs.  Since the Honorable Mayor will opening the new Mayor's Learning Centers, I thought I would write about novels that are just plain fun to read.  Nothing philosophical about them.  Let's start with the oldest first.  REBECCA by Daphne DuMaurier published in 1938.  This is the classic Gothic novel; heroine haunted by, "ghost," of first wife.  Then in 1961, Agatha Christie published THE PALE HORSE.  The murder weapon was poison by thalium, and as something of a Christie expert (or so I feel), I consider this her BEST.  Now we move on to American authors.  Ira Levin published ROSEMARY'S BABY in 1967 (MAD Magazine did a wonderful spoof on this novel entitled, "Rosemary's BooBoo."  If you can find it, read it).  This a modern ghost story; once you start reading it, you can't put it down.  And it is believable, too.  The next on my Fun List is THE GODFATHER by Mario Puzo.  A novel where you get to know and love organized crime!  When this book was published in 1972 (if off, excuse me), there was much discussion - was Johnny Fontane based on Frank Sinatra?  Last on my is from 1990 - JURASSIC PARK by Michael Crichton - another one of those, "can't put down book."  Someday soon, I will write about my all time favorite book.  It's one that I can't call a, "fun read," because my mother and her sisters were still debating the outcome sixty years after the damn thing was published.  Later.

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